At land’s edge presents: “Everything Will Be Fine”

Admission is free.

Please join ONE Archives and At land’s edge for a special screening of Everything Will Be Fine (Alles Wird Gut) written by Fatima El-Tayeb and Angelina Maccarone, directed by Angelina Maccarone, 1998, Germany. The screening will be followed by a conversation between Fatima El-Tayeb and Tisa Bryant.

Fatima El-Tayeb is professor of Literature and Ethnic Studies and director of Critical Gender Studies at the University of California, San Diego. She is the author of three books, UnDeutsch: Die Konstruktion des Anderen in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft (UnGerman: The Construction of Otherness in the Postmigrant Society), Transcript 2016; European Others: Queering Ethnicity in Postnational Europe (University of Minnesota Press 2011, German transl. 2015); and Schwarze Deutsche: Rasse und nationale Identität, 1890-1933 (Black Germans: Race and National Identity, 1890-1933, Campus 2001), as well as of numerous articles on the interactions of race, gender, sexuality, and nation. Before coming to the U.S., she lived in Germany and the Netherlands, where she was active in black feminist, migrant, and queer of color organizations. She was one of the co-founders of the Black European Studies project in 2004 and is co-author of the movie Alles wird gut/Everything will be fine (Germany 1997).

Tisa Bryant is the author of Unexplained Presence, a collection of fiction-essays on black presences in film, literature and visual arts; co-editor of the cross-referenced literary journal, The Encyclopedia Project, and co-editor, with Ernest Hardy, of War Diaries, an anthology of Black male desire and survival in the age of AIDS. In 2016, Tisa was a commissioned writer/researcher for Radio Imagination, Clockshop’s year-long Los Angeles celebration of science fiction writer Octavia Butler, in collaboration with the Huntington Library in Pasadena. She is working on The Curator, a novel of Black female subjectivity and imagined cinema, and on Residual, writings on grief, longing, desire and archival research, forthcoming from Nightboat Boos. She is incoming Program Director of the MFA in Creative Writing at CalArts, where she teaches. She lives in Los Angeles.

at land’s edge is an autonomous

Thu, Mar 30 2017
07:00 pm ~ 09:00 pm

ONE Archives at the USC Libraries
909 West Adams Boulevard
Los Angeles , CA 90007
United States